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Jamie Swan, 1st MACP Grad to Receive Canadian Certified Counsellor Designation

On Aug. 10, Yorkville University received word that alumna Jamie Swan is the first Yorkville Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (MACP) graduate to receive the Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) designation from the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA).


“I am so proud to be the first alumni from Yorkville’s MACP to get the Canadian Certified Counsellor designation with CCPA. It was a process but was so worth it now that I can take my business to the next level with full certification,” Jamie said. “I encourage all graduates to apply and receive their designation so they can put all the skills gained at Yorkville to great use right away!”

Jamie graduated from Yorkville University in 2015 and has a private practice in Edmonton Alberta, She is also now working on her PsyD with the hopes of someday becoming a licensed Psychologist.

As of May 1, 2016, graduates of Yorkville University’s MACP are eligible to apply for the Canadian Certified Counselling (CCC) designation. A few of  alumni have already applied and applicants from the first group have recently received their CCC-Qualifying (CCC-Q) designation – an important first step on the road to full certification.

For students and graduates looking for more information on applying, Yorkville’s CCPA student rep, Caleigh Dunfield, is organizing an information session for students in mid to late August. Stay tuned for details.

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Krushnaji Gavas

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