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Change of Address for Yorkville University Fredericton Location

As of June 17, Yorkville University has moved on from the office building at 1149 Smythe St. The online university has moved its administrative and academic faculty whom reside in Fredericton to a brand new building at Yorkville Landing, Suite 102 at 100 Woodside Lane. The new building boasts a spacious two-floor layout, kitchen and updated meeting and boardrooms to accompany the growing number of faculty and staff. The move has occurred in conjunction with a growth of students in the online programs offered at Yorkville University. The online program saw over 200 graduates receive their Masters for the Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology. With a student body that ranges in the hundreds, Yorkville University required a new space to accommodate the support staff and faculty who are imperative for a growing online university.

Yorkville University’s degree programs are designed for working adults with high aspirations and busy professional schedules; high academic expectations are mixed with an emphasis on student service and convenience, augmented by the latest advances in educational technology. The University offers the following programs:

Join us in congratulating the faculty and administrative staff as they become settled in their new office, and wish them best in future expansions.

Krushnaji Gavas

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