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Winter 2021 Term for On-Campus Programs at Yorkville University

Yorkville University continues to work closely with local health authorities and the government to determine a safe and healthy way to continue to deliver an exceptional learning experience for our students. The reality, however, is that the situation around the COVID-19 pandemic changes and evolves nearly every day. In the meantime, planning for the Winter 2021 term continues to evolve in accordance with the current circumstances of the global pandemic.

Although Yorkville intended to offer some sections of certain courses in person for our on-campus Bachelor of Business Administration programs at our Steeles Avenue, Ontario Campus and our New Westminster, British Columbia Campus, we have re-evaluated in light of growing cases of the virus. We will continue, for the time being, to offer courses online. The return to the physical classroom will not happen until public health and the provinces in which we operate deem it safe for us to do so. 

Finally, we would like to state how proud we are of all our students, faculty and staff who, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to contribute to an engaging remote learning experience. 

Yorkville University also remains mindful of the stress and anxiety these types of situations can bring on. Counselling services are available for those students who need them. Visit to make an appointment.  

For more of the latest advice and information, visit the website of your local public health site:  

Toronto Public Health  

B.C. Centre for Disease Control

Krushnaji Gavas

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